Team Rebel's Music

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Miss/Madam Outrage
Miss Outrage, also known as Madam Outrage, but most commonly known as Miss Outrage, is or was a extreme hacker on msp.
Well, obviously we know that...

We know that when grim reaper is going to hack you, your screen flashes black, and sometimes you may see you, or your friend on the login screen- doing blood on the dance floor usually. Anonymous can go onto your log in screen, and unstar your password. Miss filly,  plays The Twisted Nerve" by Bernard Herrmann, and she can hide in the form of a blue clothed boy/girl low level.
But who we don't know is... Miss Outrage.
Then when searching around for Miss O, on videos and images, just look at what I found o.o

High pitch shriek?! From what I've found out about victims of her, there have been NO reports of a high pitch scream.

But this was actually what the REAL miss outrage said.
And then look what I found.. well I found this on (all credits go to this user & blog for the pictures)
Ok well... here's the thing.
Miss outrage did have a user on msp, actually named Miss Outrage, ^^^^^^ in the pictures above, she wrote on GBs & wrote those stats. But she's not the only hacker who wrote using their real hacker users...

Maybe this dolly user is fake... but the user underneath... is hacked by her. And this dolly user.. seems a bit real, if not the real dolly. Only mistake is that her user is called 'The Dollly', not 'The Dolly (one l more).
But here's the one which may convince you the most that this hacker is real.

And here's what I've drawn out as my conclusion...
Maybe, Miss filly is Miss Outrage? And because Miss Filly is anonymous, then miss outrage is aswell... but also the dolly is the same user...
this is all very strange. Very strange.
Well that's my Miss Outrage post for today ^-^
Thank you for viewing if you did, Byeeeee
Black knight 777

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