Heyy guys,
sorry haven't updated for a while but don't worry that was because I had some connection problems and stuff :) The grim attacks have lowered down encase you've been wondering, grim stopped hacking in January 2013 originally so she's probably stopped hacking at the moment. Blimey, the start of January is a hacker riot :D Msp have made this really cool update, I was expecting it to be ages ago through :/ UK must be the last to be updated. We've levelled up atleast by four levels so I'm level 8 :D through I was only 360 fame from level 4 before the update -_-
Anyway theres been a lot of drama with this new hacker called Ece, he/she hacked ishacool. Sorry, really should've made a post about it before. But so far shes hacked more than 3 people, be warned! More on it tomorrow. Sorry for short post. :(
-Black knight 777
P.s. Thanks for your questions! They're awesome:) Feel free to post comments on this blog or ask me on msp :)
P.P.S The title boarder of the blog is a bit dodgy... sorry, going to fix it!:D lol ^^^^^^^