Team Rebel's Music

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Long post today :* Why? Because I forum asked ^-^
Btw this is not my idea originally, it was Black knight 282's idea! ;D

Rossella7365 ; Yello :p
Black knight 282; Hey 282!!! ;D And omg.... What is THAT????????! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH closes computer!-
 It looks like a big nose - Not trying to be rude or anything :3 And ugh what that at the right of its mouth... UGH

roxilove123 ; Yup :3 Blackknight777msp (no spaces)

supersaffanah9 ; Black knight 999 who created the whole group and stuff, Candired because I love her attitude to msp J, Cheese?! Maybe :/

stargirl26 ; Lots of questions D: Celebrity hmmm… I’d say Black knight 282 because she famous enough on her blog J Fave colour… Black and purple isn’t it obvious xD Cheese :/ I don’t like tea so yes separately.
Stargirl26 {again!} ; My name is Black knight 777 xD
aimeeb1403 ; I don’t go shopping much so yeah, Tesco.

Shamimia876 ; Good question… I’ll google it :P Ok Aroundish December 1st 2013. (Estimated).

Fatimah 09 ; Me neither to that question to xD
Darrol ; (?!) And that's your question...? Hmmm confuzling ;/

Miniberrybell ; Isn't it obvious :s Its uh...oh...uhm... Oh look at the time! :3

Girly_Rose_Champ ; Black knight msp hacker hunter's blog.

I'd say Adele, Evanescence, and two steps from hell... but anything awesome, catchy and a bit creepy xD

Alexselle ; I'd say how so I can prevent it! ;F

282 again!!!! ;D Uh oh its EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 282! BEWARE!

That's all for now :3 Remaining questions on forum will be answered tomorrow. :)
Black knight 777

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