Team Rebel's Music

Friday 18 April 2014

Heyy guys :p
Quick update :
As you know it's Easter on sunday!!! YAY! But althrough easter is a amazing and awesome day... there are quite a lot of hackers who take advantage of this festive occasion. So yeah :/
Hackers just seem to be attracted to holidays; the fourth of july, Christmas etc.
Unrelated stuff: Also there is quite a lot of arguments between Candired, holly and Roxy-1 and Alishak. I hate it when theres a highscore argument. This is not what msp is about. Msp is meant to be fun!
So although you may be friends with the certain moviestar, it dosnt mean that they are right. I got framed for making hate accounts and bullying when I did not. Like you could be going against someone innocent. So do not choose sides. Keep out of it or at the very least try to stop the argument.
Another thing; I've had over 5 people asking to join Black knight. Wow... getting new people everyday :D But please ask me before hand, as if you make a black knight account before telling us, you've broken our trust and policy.
Bye guys :)
-Black knight 777
Have a great Easter :)

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